Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy WPPD!

Here's my wishes in the waning hours of WPPD that everyone had the opportunity to continue their quest for personal pinholiness today!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Workshop Camera

Here's some pictures of the 6x6 wooden camera we built during the workshop. This is a new design, based on some ideas gleaned from f295 over the years, plus my own ideas.

The camera is a wood / ABS hybrid. The main feature is the drop-in winding mechanism. Loading is achieved by flexing the ABS on the bottom. Once loaded, the cassette drops into the body.

In the future I think I'll try this design on other formats (612, 618, etc).

Monday, April 07, 2008

Pinhole Photography Workshop

I will be offering a two-part pinhole workshop through the Fort Gallery later this month - details below!